
Green Street Restaurant でほうれん草パスタ@Pasadena

夜ご飯は、近所の「Green Street Restaurant」に行きました。前に行った時はお肉を食べましたが、今回はパスタにしてみました。パスタを食べるのはちょぴり勇気がいりましたが、試してみなければわからないと思って。「ほうれん草とアスパラガスのパスタ」にしました。ガーリックがかなり効いていて味もしっかりしていて、まずくはなかったですが、次はやっぱり他のにしようかと。あと、あまりお腹空いてなかったってのもあったかもしれません。




2 件のコメント:

  1. Oh...shoot....I forgot to sign in.... My comment has gone!!.,!
    What a bummer!
    I should make sure to copy it this time just in case.
    The gist of my comment was you seem to enjoy trying new restaurants. And I've passed by this place several times but never put a foot in it.
    Was it good?
    And at last, I'd love to visit those new places with you....

    That's all I have to tell.

    Hope to keep this comment this time.

    1. >Serena,
      Thank you for your comment! Oh...that's terrible.
      I like this restaurant, but this spaghetti was so-so. My brother-in-law ate Quesadillas which was Mexican. It was very delicious! And I recommend you for zucchini bread.
      I am looking forward to having a dinner at new places with you, too. ^^
